Heroes Day Chess Battle Continues

Heroes Day Chess Battle Continues

After the latest round in the 2023 Heroes Day chess tournament, in the Open section, Englishman Chris White and Martinique’s Marvin Guillaume lead the event with 5 points out of 6. They are closely followed Gilles Suez-Panama of Martinique and local girl Hannah Wilson, who both have 4 ½ points.


In a brutal sixth round, the veteran White was able to hold the youth Hannah Wilson with the black pieces. White took a draw even though he was a pawn up but was dubious on whether he could have held on to this advantage.

Louis Wilson, Hannah’s older brother was able to hold the other current leader Guillaume also to a draw, but many pundits were of the view that Louis who was the exchange up was in a superior position.


Suez-Panama however played a long arduous game to grind down Adam Roachford , another member of the Barbados team to the  2022 chess Olympiad in Chennai. Suez-Panama showed excellent skill and patience to whiter down his opponent and move closer to the leaders.

Other top board results saw victories for Lionel Buisson and Mathis Huyghues-Beaufond to keep them within striking distance of the leaders on four points also.


Masters’ Section

In the masters’ section, it’s a four ways tie at the top with the grandmasters Luis Aguero and Isan Ortiz (Cuba), Neuris Delgado (Paraguay) and Christian Rios (Colombia) all have four points.

In the last round, Ortiz defeated Orlando Husbands, Aguero and Delgado drew, while Rios was held to a draw by current national champion Martyn Del Castilho.

The final round of the event, will culminate on Tuesday evening at 5.00 p.m. at the Coles Building, Bay Street, Bridgetown.

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